Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Dgn2Sdo Text and Cell Processing

DGN2SDO will populate special columns for text and cell features. In this way, each instance of a text and cell can be recreated in a Bentley Map session at the same size that it was when posted.

  • MS_ANGLE: stores the angle of the cell or text

  • MS_X_SCALE and MS_Y_SCALE : stores the scale value in X and Y

For cells, the value stored is the scale value of the cell. For text, the size associated with text style is evaluated. It is then divided into the size of the text instance to arrive at a scale factor. This factor is stored in the columns above. If there is no text style defined, then the size of the text is stored in the columns.

For example, if the text style size is 4 and the text instance size is 20, then the scale factor stored would be 5. In Bentley Map, when the feature is queried, the size of the text style defined for the feature is multiplied by the scale stored in the columns above to create the correct text size for the element.